Leadership and Teambuilding Workshops

Energize your team
LionHeart retreats are a unique blend of experiential learning games with a touch of inspirational activities, mixed in with motivation, stress management, goal setting, and self awarness.

Our experts use the latest studies in Psychology to bring out the best in people.

There are two types of Team building Activities.

* Leadership Activities - These activities require an open discussion after each activity to emphasize the learnings
* Tele-Match Activities - These activities push the boundaries of human laughter. No talk, just fun.
* Goal Setting
* Being Grateful
* Trust Your Team
* Leadership Qualities
* Working together as ONE
* Planning
* Appreciation
* Self Confidence
* Self Awarness
* Listening is Respecting
* Providing Feedback
* Communicate with your entire body
* Angry Birds Attack
* Race of the Titans
* Treasure hunt, superman style
* Water Duck Race
* The Bride and the Broom
* Crazy Monkey
* The Amazing Race
* Stronger bond between employees
* Dispelled Rumors
* Reduced Gossip in the office
* More respect
* Better management
* Improved planning skills
* Closer relationships
* More focused meetings
* Growth in Leadership
* Improved work ethic
* Better feedback between employees
* Inspired souls